Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween, Sarah Hussein Palin

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Guess who Barack Obama is going to be for Halloween? Sarah Hussein Palin, that’s who! Happy Halloween, folks. I am waiting for a scary story today. Sarah Palin was supposed to release her medical records earlier this week, but she still hasn’t forked ‘em over yet. My clock says it is 1:00 AM in Chicago on Friday. If anything leaks overnight, please accept my apologies.

I wonder if she poops her pants every time she sneezes? That’s not a huge problem, if you think about it. She could have a colostomy bag or diapers and everything could be contained. I could live with that.

Maybe she’s colorblind? She could mistake the ginormous red 3:00 AM phone for an environmentally friendly green phone, which she would never answer. Not good.

What if she has a learning disability? It would explain why she sounds so bug-fucking wrong every time she goes off the scripted path. That, my friends, is a problem.

On the other hand… What if Andrew Sullivan has a point? What if Sarah Palin has been pregnant four times, instead of five?




Mojopo said...

Thank you, Mr. Wong.

Anonymous said...

That photo is definitely scaring me, Mojo! Shivers.

Happy Halloween to you and tomorrow is Dia de Los Muertos. XO

Anonymous said...

Hey, I traded links with Mr. Wong too. If your interested I'd like to trade links with your blog as well. Leave a comment anywhere at if you are interested, and I'll link back asap.
Your Sarah Hussein Palin picture is hilarious and disturbing. Happy Halloween. J

Paula said...

I wanna trade something with you! Oooh, I know! Let's trade Halloween candy. I'll trade all my Mary Jane's for your Snickers, k?

Miss you bunches & bunches,

Anonymous said...

Wow that was Spookay!!!
John McCain really freaks me as much as her though.I am really keeping my fingers crossed til this election is over.

I love Mommy Dearest though...

"I am not mad at you I am mad at the dirt"

hahaha she Rox

I Vote we run her up against Palin
