Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My Favorites

...and one year later, we returned to Mojopost. I'm writing the holiday letter, but in the meantime please enjoy ten of my favorite things here. I hope you like.

Fat Lady & Debbie

The Booger Charmer

Memorial Brunch for Karma

Don't Start None, Won't Be None

I Waited Four Years For This

McCain Surprises Nudist Rally

Bog Politics and Bailouts

I'm No Dr. Doolittle, But...

The Back Forty of My Youth

Mojopost Goes Green


GOPnot4me said...

I've missed you. Hope all is well with you and those you love. Please blog more than I do, I love your sense of humor.

Be well, do good things.

Mojopo said...

Well hello! Everything is fab! Are you on FB? I post doodles there daily. E-mail me and I'll send contact info.

GOPnot4me said...

No FB for me. No Twitter, either. I visit the blogs of people I like and hope they visit mine. I've been awfully slack since the Dems caved when they had the House, Senate, White House and STILL couldn't get their shit together. I bet Will Rogers wishes he weren"t so damn right! Now we're at the mercy of about 60 fringe dingbats who want to blow over the whole house of cards. I hated those assholes in school. Now they're in Congress! Oy Vey! Hope you're well. Drop a note to my Gmail. I'll always get right back to you. Best wishes, Mike (GOPnot4Me)