Barack Obama's Latest Book: JARS FULL OF BEAT-DOWN
I can't wait to order a copy!
Last I checked, a jar of beat-down costs about a dollar. Obama raised enough money in August to open 66 million delicious jars of You Got It Coming between now and November 4th.
Have you heard the latest? McCain says he cannot use a computer because of his POW injuries, and that's why he won't use the Internet. I must ask then how come Stephen Hawking, who is paralyzed from the neck down, can use a computer but McCain cannot?
Ahahahahah! Awesome, get me a copy ASAP!
It's about damn time. I heard Biden is reading the 1st chapter aloud today.
Have you heard the latest? McCain says he cannot use a computer because of his POW injuries, and that's why he won't use the Internet. I must ask then how come Stephen Hawking, who is paralyzed from the neck down, can use a computer but McCain cannot?
Mojo, maybe McCain can't use a computer because he is paralized from the neck up.
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