Are you a guy without a job? Have you lost the pep in your step because you can’t afford a Viagra pill? Welcome to your lucky day – Pfizer, Inc. is going to hand out Viagra like it’s Halloween candy to poor, disheveled impotent men.
Here’s the link, and a blurb:
Applicants will have to sign a statement that they are suffering financial hardship and provide a "pink slip" or similar employer notice. Applications will be accepted through Dec. 31, with medication provided for up to 12 months after approval — or until the person becomes insured again.

Can’t buy your date dinner first? So what! With your interesting personality and positive attitude, what could possibly go wrong besides an unplanned pregnancy, an erection that lasts longer than a day or a massive heart attack?
The wimmins won't mind!
Not to be outdone, I called Tampax and Playtex to find out of they had any plans to foster brand loyalty with the bleeding, female and unemployed demographic. Both companies had no comment.
Mojopost will not encourage women to sign up for the Viagra offer and sell it at street value, in order to buy a product that keeps their couches from looking like a crime scene. No.
Did I mention that Pfizer is giving away Lipitor, too?
Marvin Gaye – Let’s Get It On