I believe it’s called “strong-arming” but that doesn’t tell you anything about how the US Constitution might win out over Blago’s appointed geezer, Roland Burris. More so, my headline tells you more about how I feel about this mess.
Forbes magazine has the scoop.
In its landmark 1969 ruling in Powell v. McCormack, the Supreme Court held that Article I, Section 5, which makes "[e]ach House...the Judge of the Elections...and Qualifications of its own Members,"…set forth in Article I, Section 2.Blah, blah blippity bloop. This means that President-elect Obama was upholding the Constitution when he urged the senate to deny any piece of trash from being appointed to his former office. Especially if said trash was installed by helmet-headed enema pump, Gov. Blagojevich. Now look, I’m just as shocked as anyone that a president of the US is respecting our constitution. I need to sit down.
Still, let’s be clear about something, though. As a registered voter in Illinois, and a Democrat, I would have preferred a special election. Our Dems here could have easily introduced legislation that would have allowed citizens to vote for a new senator, instead of letting Blago show his ass. Why didn’t that happen, Santa?
Democrats in IL were noisily shuffling impeachment papers (to sound busy), but mostly they were busy practising their favorite dance moves in anticipation of dancing on Blago’s political grave. The problem is that Blago isn’t dead yet. Also, Dems are worried that a special election might give a Republican candidate a leg up. A GOP smack-down for the future president’s former job? Oh, the humanity!
I can see how Dems would have a psychological problem with that scenario, but they don’t all live here and I do. Anyone in IL will back me up when I say that Dems and Repubs work together in this state. They lunch together, and they share the same greasy friends. Both sides have a stake in fisting IL taxpayers. No politician here has ever been caught appointing their children to jobs, or giving their butt-buddies big contracts because our pols don’t hide anything! No one, not ever! The processes are 100% transparent and up our ass without the benefit of lubrication or dinner afterward. If a Republican were elected over a Democrat, it would not make any difference. It’s that bad. And that is why those bastards owed us a chance to vote.
Believe me when I say I’m going to remember this on Election Day in two years. It will be interesting to see how many of Obama’s former volunteers, like me, effect real change at home. There are two moods I'm going to take with me to my designated voting place: disgusted and pissed off. Please join me.