Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ello Guvnah

I live in Chicago, but I’m from New York. Gee, could it be possible that I am a bit biased if I equate gubernatorial positions with as much esteem as I would offer a sack of hot garbage on a July afternoon?

Gov. David Paterson of NY, Blago of IL on The View, and Ah-nold still in Ca-li-forn-ia. Then there is Gov. Sarah Palin, who cannot articulate her way out of a freakin’ igloo, landing a book deal worth $11 million smackers. If that’s not the icing on top of the crap cake, what is?

Tell you what. How about I just shove a chopstick in my eye and swirl it around in my brainpan until I pass out?

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Anonymous said...

Good morning, Mojo!

I do think, you're biased. But who wouldn't with those govs around.


Mojopo said...

Good morning, LV --

Zactly. Do you have any chopsticks handy?

Anonymous said...

No chopsticks, sorry. I can't eat with them, so I couldn't find a use for them ... until now 8D


Mojopo said...


J9 said...

So, are you going to apply to ghost writer Pallin's book? Because we all KNOW she is incapable of stringing together any coherent thought.

Anonymous said...

11 million??? You're fuckin' kidding me right? What could that stupid twunt possibly have of any importance to say?? OMFG!!! I'm going to eat cheese all day!!!


Your friend, Rusty said...

Maybe I'm biased because I'm in CA, but The Gropinator is clearly the worst of the lot.

Your friend, Rusty said...

11 million? How many Big Chief pads and boxes of crayons does she need?

PapaPig said...

What does this have to do with the DTV transition date? Nothing is an unacceptable answer also. :@)

Anonymous said...

Take heart, Mojo. Maybe it will be a coloring book and we can take our crayons to it.

Anonymous said...

So who's going to write this alleged Sarah Palin book? Don't tell me Sarah Palin!!!!

Anonymous said...

Will the book wink? How cute.

Batocchio said...

I prefer the salad fork scale, zero to 10. As in, "That speech by Palin wasn't as excruciating as usual. I only wanted to shove 7 salad forks into my eye."

Mojopo said...

Batocchio - come to think of it, I don't think she ever scored less than 6 forks (plus one-half spork).