Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Joe The Plumber Has A New Gig

Joe The Plumber shipped off to Israel, because he is a war correspondent for PajamasMedia now. Unsatisfied with his position as the other embarrassing footnote in Sen. John McCain’s 2008 campaign journal, Joe was eager to fulfill his pundit fantasy and receive a paycheck this year.

So long, brown and semi-solid toilet clogs in Ohio! Hello, shell-shocked war zone residents! These days, Joe comes home from work smelling like a rocket attack more than raw sewage. As far as Joe is concerned, he traded up.

PajamasMedia could not possibly be more proud of Joe. For pennies a capfull, Joe has put his tax-evading, square bald head on the line to bring mega-traffic to his employer’s website. Snicker at the absurdity of this spectacle all you want to, Anderson Cooper of CNN, but Joe is running into bomb shelters during real-time and he looks realistically scared shitless. That’s right, Andy – Joe is scooping you. Can you taste the situational irony? You betcha!

What do you want me to say? That Joe is naive and sophomoric? That Joe makes me want to pull my brains out with both hands? Dig deeper, Andy. Joe the big, dumb jerk and his expendable mouth might learn a thing or two while he is over there. How do you like them crab apples, Andy?

As far as I am concerned, every Joe should have the opportunity to see real human suffering up close. Being humbled and terrified is not a bad thing, provided that our plumber isn’t mortared. If that happens, we are all screwed. Well, at least until the next news cycle and then it’s back to the Yellow Pages for the next guy.

REM – What’s The Frequency Kenneth?

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Anonymous said...

is this a result of the economic crisis hitting media? i just wonder, i don't judge


Mojopo said...

In a way, LV - the answer is yes. Judge all you want to - please. The answers come up smelly, no matter which way the wind is blowing.

Anonymous said...

I heard last week on the front page of the NYT were some ads. It seems that especially investigative journalists are having a hard time.


Anonymous said...

Why are the conservatives wearing Pajamas? That's why I'd like to know.

PapaPig said...

Minnie-sota gets a 5 (highest possible) for the question:

Why are the conservatives wearing Pajamas? That's why I'd like to know.

Pig's Answer(though there are more I am sure, so please answer Minnie!)

Why? To show they were asleep at the wheel for the last 8 years (or more).

Old Hippy said...

Did anybody notice that "Joe the
Plumber/ news corespondent made Keith Olbermann's "Worst person in
the World" last night

Mojopo said...

I did, Hippy! What a moron this guy is... I saw it, and later I watched Anderson Cooper smirking about it. Having heard Joe speak, I swear to God that I think he is functionally retarded. I'm not kidding.

Anonymous said...

I can't tell you how much I despise Joe the freakin' Plumber. What as asshat!! I hope he is gang raped by insurgents.... And then mortared! Got to get tough! Go JOE!!!


Mojopo said...

LOL, Speedy. Sure, make the tard stand on the Gaza Strip. Tell him we'll buy him a pony!

Minnie - "Pajamas Media" refers to the joke about bloggers wearing PJ's all day. Here's the Wiki quite about the site's name: "Pajamas Media's name is derived from a dismissive comment made by former news executive vice-president Jonathan Klein of CBS during the Killian documents affair: 'you couldn't have a starker contrast between the multiple layers of checks and balances at 60 Minutes and a guy sitting in his living room in his pajamas"'. The official name of the company is OSM Media, LLC..."

Anonymous said...

The bottom line question is, Where
did The Repugs find this knuckle dragger?

ProblemWithCaring said...

I am just glad that average white men now have someone to look up to.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info about the origin of the name, Mojo! I like PapaPig's answer, though, hah.

PapaPig said...

Anonymous said...

The bottom line question is, Where
did The Repugs find this knuckle dragger?
3:08 PM

Actually Obama found him. He was at some pre election rally, and asked Obama a question about tax cuts.

So blame Obama for making him famous!

PapaPig said...

I like PapaPig's answer, though, hah.

Another 5 plus post.

Note, complementing the critique always scores points.

Is that fair? Hell yes, I set the rules.

BTW all of Mojo's posts are a 6, off scale.

Anonymous said...

Luff you, Mojosan.

If Joe gets mortared, I'll take back all the snarky things I've said about him. Til then -- I wanna see, I wanna see Joe get mortared! Somebody mortar Joe!

I have no time for this. Let. me. go!

Mojopo said...

Papa - something strange has happened. I had a dream about your piggly picture and woke up eating Sarah Lee ham. I think I love you, is what I mean.

Mojopo said...

No, you cannot, Anony. NOT. You tell your parole officer to call me - I'll handle it from there.

Guess what? I used to want to see Joe get mortared until I realized that the video will surpass the Challenger disaster on YouTube hits. Until the next Worst.Thing.Ever. I can't keep wishing for mortars and disasters - can I? I dunno! Imma read Fight Club again and think.

Mojopo said...

Hello, ProblemWithCaring! Cool blog! I'll link it shortly. I think we met over drinks at Wonkette.

Anonymous said...

Tool... it's really spelled "Joe the 'Plumber'."